reading list


  • Switch layout to iframes for simpler coding
  • Make color scheme drop down for different themes
  • CD collection page
  • Photocard collection page
  • Make a website logo instead of gradient text
  • New stamp for linking back to me
  • CoHost Feed
    Tumblr Feed

    About the Site

    Hi y'all and welcome to my webpage. I'm Mateo or Stu or Sel depending on where you know me from. I use primarily he/him and xe/xem pronouns. If you're just meeting me now, go with Mateo.

    If you've followed me for a bit, than you know that this is a very different layout and aesthetic than I used to have! As much as I love clutter and all things scemo, I wanted something cleaner and easier to upkeep, so that I could use the same template for each page while also allowing each page to have its own aesthetic without as much work as I would have to do previously.

    I also want to try to make my website accessible, and the spaghetti code I used for my previous site was VERY unaccessible. I'm new to the accessibility game when it comes to small web, though I worked some to make my old workplace's UI more accessible-- so I know things like font spacing and contrast, but formatting for screenreaders is a whole other thing that I am currently learning from the ground up.

    For now this home page will mostly work for navigation to view my other web presences while I work on the link throughs I hope to add! I am currently hoping to add a guestbook andor chat room to this page as well. I'm also hoping to add digital collection pages and have that be more of a focus of the site.

    While you're here, I want to promote that you learn more about the ongoing genocide in Palestine.

    There's a lot of international issues ongoing at the moment-- the mounting attack on Armenians by Azeri, the conflict in Sudan, the work conditions leading to mass death in the Congo, and the ongoing policy regression for trans people in the USA and UK-- but I am choosing to focus this section of the site on Palestine because many countries are actively endorsing and funding this genocide.

    Haymarket Books and Verso Books have free ebooks available on Palestinian studies and the history of Palestine. If you want to help keep the Gaza Strip connected ot the internet during their blackouts, you can donate e-sims here. Care for Gaza is another fundraising effort that sends funds to the displaced families of Gaza that you can donate to here.

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